Everyone has their own opinion as to who the best female metal vocalists are, typically referring to Doro Pesch, Amy Lee, Lita Ford or the like. The more advanced listener might suggest Angela Gossow, Sharon den Adel or Alexis Brown. Fortunately for you, as far as this little piece of the internet is concerned, its MY opinion that matters (insert evil chuckle here).
Don't get me wrong, I have every Arch Enemy album, several Doro and Lita; I always enjoy a good run of Straight Line Stitch, and I've at least given Within Temptation and Evanescence a shot; I know there's many more but let's talk about the 2 bands I always gravitate towards, promote more and listen to more often than not, and for good reason (in my opinion).
Now keep in mind, I constantly receive truckloads of new albums and music from all corners of the globe and most of the time I'll just chuck something on without knowing anything about it just to get a feel for it and do my homework later, so I had no idea what I was in for last September when I finally decided to dig into my Nightmare files and play Seven Kingdoms' third album The Fire Is Mine, based heavily on George R.R. Martin's work 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' (more commonly known as TV's Game Of Thrones, although it won't kill you to read a book now and agan)
Being trained to hear every note from every angle at once, I was absolutely LOST. The intro was standard stuff, but as soon as After The Fall started I was child crying for his mama, tearing my desk apart looking for my headphones for a good 5- 10 minutes so I could hear it full blast direct injection to the brain only to realize I was already wearing them, the tonal qualities of Sabrina Valentine's voice paired with some of the finest power metal I've ever heard made me a melty little bitch. After The Fall, Symphony Of Stars, Kardia, Fragile Minds Collapse... fucking MAGIC.
And so, being thoroughly mind- blown, I hit the books, so to speak. Its one thing to just sit and read bios and press releases, but the video for After The Fall swayed my opinion only to further solidify my later on- air declarations of a band who loves what they do and a woman as beautiful as her voice.
Seven Kingdoms. Sabrina Valentine. Write that down.
My personal top choice for the Femme Fatale du Metal, the woman with whom I would have absolutely no issue repopulating the planet if need be, can only be the raven- haired Swedish seductress Liv Jagrell.
I'm an 80's kid, I grew up on REAL rock & roll, music that helps you move when you don't want to, that keeps the faith for you when you want to fall, and in 2010 when I opened a package from a promoter friend of mine, I got hooked on the anthems of Sister Sin and besides being standard rotation from then on they became incorporated into my personal soundtrack: endless hours of video enjoyment, on my headphones for the long walks home from the studio in the middle of the night, road trip jams... On Parole, Better Than Them, Beat Em Down, Morning After, Fight Song... music to live by.
I am also your standard- issue male member of humanity: I have eyes and a brain, same as anyone. In nearly 40 years I'm pretty sure I've seen every type of woman, every shape, every state of dress and undress, analyzed every feature, experienced every personality and attitude and to me, Liv has it all. And its not that I just sit there goggle- eyed at her fleshy parts either; sure she's one stone fox but I also enjoy watching interviews, listening to her accent, seeing her expressions and interactions, her presence on and off- stage. You know, the stuff that actually MATTERS. Maybe I'm a little biased, I dunno, but backed by a band that matches her stride, Sister Sin should be one of the more important bands on anyone's playlist, and a life- size poster of Liv should be above everyone's bed...
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